About Us & Location

Clubhouse and Courts Location

The Netball Courts and Clubhouse are located at the Samford Parklands on Mt Samson Rd, Samford
View Map Here

Our Club's History

The Samford Netball Club has records which date back to 1974 when it was part of the "Samford Sporting Association" (known as Samford Rangers - Football).   The Football Club has compiled an amazing amount of history and it can be located here:  http://samfordrangers.org.au/wsphistory.aspx 

The Samford Netball Club has had a long affiliation with Downey Park Netball Association (DPNA) and we continue to play our Saturday games there.

The Samford Netball Club would love to hear from anyone with photos or more information about our long history.  Please contact our President:  president@samfordnetball.org.au

Our Mission

Our club endeavors to provide for people of all ages and skill levels to participate in outdoor netball.

Core Business
- Providing an opportunity for the community to play netball
- Training players
- Training coaches
- Training umpires
- Providing facilities for training
- Promoting Samford & district community identity and profile

Club grading day (10yrs to Inters)
Entire Calendar...Gold SponsorSilver SponsorsBronze Sponsor