Thursday Mixed Comp

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer the Mixed Comp in 2024 until we're able to fill the Convenors role.

It is a paid position (rate negotiable) noting a current first aid qualification is essential.

If you would like some additional information or think you might be interested please email:

Mixed Competition Overview

The Competiton: 
  • Games are played on Thursdays at 6.30pm at the Samford Parklands Courts, Mt Samson Road, Samford.
  • Typical season (2 per year) runs between 15-16 weeks subject to the number of teams registered to play. Season 1 generally runs from February to June.  Season 2 July to November.  Games are not played during school holidays.  
  • Standard netball rules apply with games officiated by qualified umpires.  
  • In the event of wet weather, advice will be provided by 5.00pm (typically via our Facebook and Instagram pages). Every effort will be made to make up weather affected games during the season.
  • All players who take the court agree to do so in the spirit of fair play.  We are not the Suncorp Super Netball and sheep stations are NOT on the line.  Players who repeatedly practice unsafe or intimidating play will be asked to leave the court and de-registered (fees will not be refunded). 


Registration fees:

  • One-off fee upfront per season with no ongoing weekly payments. Fees cover equipment (balls, bibs, post pads etc), umpires and club costs (electricity etc). 
  • Individual registration: $170    
  • Team registration: $1250 (min 8 players)    
  • Fees are required at the time of registration. 
  • We want to give everyone a chance to play the greatest sport on earth and understand that sometimes it can be a little tricky to manage all the bills. Please reach out to us if you are having difficulty paying.  
  • Samford Netball Club is a not-for-profit sporting club and we love seeing as many people as possible playing netball (did we mention it is the greatest sport on earth!).  However, the comp is simply not sustainable if players don't pay their fees.  Therefore, if you have not paid your registration fee in full or entered into an agreed payment plan by week 3, you will not be able to take the court.

Important info:

  • Teams names are to be decided one week prior to the season commencing.
  • Teams are to nominate a colour - all team members MUST wear a shirt of that colour.
  • Teams are to nominate a captain at the beginning of the season.  ONLY the captain is able to approach the umpires at quarter time breaks.
  • Teams must have a minimum of 7 registered players to be able to play in the comp. 
            - must have a minimum of 5 registered and fully paid up players to take the court (i.e. no more than 2 unregistered/unpaid players are able to take the court)
            - to be eligible to play in the finals, all players must be registered and have played in one of the finals teams for at least 3 games.
  • All teams who take the court agree to do so in the spirt of fair play.  We'll say it again - we are not the Suncorp Super Netball and sheep stations are NOT on the line.  Players who repeatedly practice unsafe or intimidating play will be asked to leave the court and de-registered (fees will not be refunded). 
  • All players must have appropriate footwear, no jewellery, trimmed nails.
  • Players must be 16 years or over.   


  • Whilst the club does have Public Liability Insurance, the Mixedl Competition players are not covered by the Netball Queensland's Personal Accident Cover. Therefore any costs associated with an accident/injury are the responsibility of the player.

Umpires Wanted

  • We are looking for experienced umpires for our games.  Umpires are paid based on their qualifications, so if you are interested or know someone who is available, please reach out.

Mixed Compettion Guidelines/Rules

 In this competition the emphasis is a social, fun and competitve atmosphere, suitable for beginner or long time players aged 16+. While competitiveness is encouraged, it is the responsibility of all players to conduct themselves in a way that is respectful and considerate to team members, opposing teams and officials.  Any behaviour, act or language that is considered inappropriate will not be tolerated, and could result in players or teams being penalised or even removed from the game.


  • All players must be registered and over the age of 16yrs.  
  • Players may play more than 1 game per evening either as a registered fill-in or as a registered member of a team.  
  • All players are responsible for reading and understanding the rules contained herein.  
  • If there are any rules that are not clear, please feel free to discuss these with the umpires prior to the commencement of the game.


  • No player can take the court without appropriate enclosed shoes. 
  • No player can take the court with Jewellery and nails must be cut not taped up.
  • Gloves may only be worn if medically advised, please disgusted wih coordinitor for more information. 

The Game
The game will consist of 4 x 10min quarters with a 2 min break in between.  Score sheets must be completed and signed in full and returned to coordinator at the end of each game. Wet weather games will be made up at the end of the draw if time permits. Competition point system is as follows:

Win  = 3 points       Draw   = 2 points         Loss = 1 point        BYE = 0 points        Forfeit = 0 points

The Positions
Bibs will be provided to the team, and can be allocated as desired. As traditonal mixed netball rules a max of Three Males allowed on a court at the one time with one being in each area Defence (Gd or Gk) Attack (Wd, Wa, or C) and  Shooting (GA or GS)

The General Rules 

Starting the Game:  The game commences with the first centre pass taken at the umpire's whistle.  The ball can be held for no longer than 3 seconds and must be touched within the centre third.  All players must be in the correct starting position obeying the footwork rule.  After each goal is scored, a new centre pass is taken alternatively by the two centre players.  The umpires whistle indicates the beginning and end of each quarter.

Contact:  A player cannot accidently or deliberately come into contact with another player in a way which impedes their play.  For example, pushing, charging, tripping, throwing the body against an opponent or using the ball to push or contact an opponent.  Players must not hold an opponent or keep their elbows against another player.

Obstruction:  A player with arms extended cannot defend a player with the ball, closer than 3 feet(0.9m).  This distance is measured from the first landed foot of the attacking player to the nearest foot of the defending player.  A player may stand closer to an opponent with the ball provided their arms are not extended, but a player may not use intimidating actions against an opponent with or without a ball.  If the attacking player lessens the distance in their throwing or shooting action, then the defending player is not considered to be obstructing, because it was the attacking player and not the defending player, who shortened the distance.

Held Ball:  A player must pass the ball or shoot for goal within three seconds of receiving the ball.

Over a Third: The ball cannot be thrown over a complete third without being touched by a player in that third.  The penalty pass is taken from the third where the player gained possession.

Offside:  Players must stay within their designated playing areas.  If a player goes offside, a free pass is awarded to the opposing team in the offside area.  If both players are in possession of the ball when they go offside, a toss up is given in their area of play.

Out of Court:  When the ball goes out of court, it is thrown in by the opponent of the team which was last to touch it.

Footwork (Stepping):  One foot landing - when a player lands on one foot, they may step with the other foot, lift the landing foot, but must throw the ball before re-grounding the lifted foot.  They may also use the landing foot as a pivoting foot, stepping in any direction with the other foot as many times as they wish.  A player cannot drag or slide the landing foot, or hop on either foot.  This will result in a free pass to the opposing team.

Two foot landing - if a player catches the ball and lands on both feet simultaneously, they may step in any direction with one foot, lift the other foot but must throw or shoot before re-grounding this foot.

Replayed Ball:  A player who has possession of the ball may not bounce the ball and re-gain possession of the ball.  After throwing the ball, a player cannot play it again until it is touched by another player, or rebounds off the goal post.  A player cannot roll, kick or fall on the ball, or pass the ball in any way while lying, sitting or kneeling on the ground.

Club grading day (10yrs to Inters)
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