Managing a team

Managing a team is one of the easiest ways you can give back to this great club.

If you're interested in managing a team (which will only take about 1.5hrs out of your week - and that includes the game on Saturday!!) please let us know.

Resources for Managers

Downey Park Netball Association have a range of online resources that we encourage all our Managers to familiarise themselves with.  This information can be found here: DPNA: Team Manager resources

We are always here to answer any questions so please don't hesitate to reach out to any of the Club's Committee memebers. 

Team grading day (10 + 11 years)
Downey Park
Draw released (online via Netball Connect)
Entire Calendar...Gold SponsorSilver SponsorsBronze Sponsor
SJM TaskingSJM Tasking

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